Sugary foods can cause weight gain and put you at risk of heart disease, diabetes, rotting teeth and so on. As your weight goes up, you feel even worse about yourself and comfort eat or have a need for more sugary foods. Your sugar levels fluctuate, so you swing between feeling panicky and anxious, to tired and sluggish. This sets off renewed cravings and the possible need to diet.
Nobody actually has a "sweet tooth"; it is the craving for sugar and sweets. This craving can be a form of emotional comfort eating, where a need for sugar supplies the need for a lift, to feel better. This cycle is linked to the emotions and our download addresses that. You will retrain your subconscious mind to be free of the need for sweet foods, to feel good and start to lead a sugar free, more emotionally stable life.
I used to have a real dread of flying. Months before any flight, I would be in a state of anxiety which would get worse as the day of the flight approached. In the past, I visited Sam for relaxation and stress management which worked well so I downloaded the Fear of Flying hypnotherapy download track.
To be honest, I had no real expectation of it working but to my utter amazement, the anxiety stopped, and I am now able to fly without fear. I even enjoy the experience now, thanks to Hypnotic Tracks!