Binge eating is an eating disorder where a person feels compelled to overeat on a regular basis. Binge eaters feel they have no control over their eating or their dietary needs. They will often have feelings of guilt or disgust after binge eating. These feelings highlight underlying emotional issues concerning stress, anxiety and depression. Binge eating temporarily eases the emotional pain that somebody may be feeling.
This download will help you find the correct balance with food, and feel good about it, so you no longer abuse food, and ultimately yourself, in the process.
I have to say, I think that Hypnotic Tracks is one of the best services out there. I have tried a number of other downloads from various sites but always come back to Hypnotic Tracks. I totally relax to the sound of Sam's voice and the downloads have transformed my life. I have been through a difficult period over the last eight years from divorce to bringing up three children alone. There have been times when I felt I was staring into a black hole without help.
Sam's voice stays with me throughout the day, often popping into my head for no particular reason and at no particular time. I am sure that the Hypnotic Tracks downloads have helped turn many lives around. Keep up the good work.