Binge eating is an eating disorder where a person feels compelled to overeat on a regular basis. Binge eaters feel they have no control over their eating or their dietary needs. They will often have feelings of guilt or disgust after binge eating. These feelings highlight underlying emotional issues concerning stress, anxiety and depression. Binge eating temporarily eases the emotional pain that somebody may be feeling.
This download will help you find the correct balance with food, and feel good about it, so you no longer abuse food, and ultimately yourself, in the process.
When I decided to quit smoking, I had previously used several of the Hypnotic Tracks downloads and had found them to be very useful. I therefore downloaded the Stop Smoking track and can honestly say that I now don’t smoke. I have recommended Hypnotic Tracks to absolutely everybody I meet who wants to stop smoking.
The part of the package which really impressed me was the guide on how to get the best from the tracks. Sam will also provide coaching and support to anyone who needs some extra help.