If you want to stop drinking alcohol, drink less or want to address an alcohol addiction, this track will help you find the correct balances. You can enjoy a drink with out having to keep on drinking. You feel fitter, healthier and you lose weight; you feel better in yourself and can drink in moderation.
From a clinical viewpoint many factors can contribute from stress, lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence to just not being able to handle alcohol. For some it is a pain blocker they just want to feel normal. This track helps to re-program your subconscious to be less reliant on alcohol.
I have to say, I think that Hypnotic Tracks is one of the best services out there. I have tried a number of other downloads from various sites but always come back to Hypnotic Tracks. I totally relax to the sound of Sam's voice and the downloads have transformed my life. I have been through a difficult period over the last eight years from divorce to bringing up three children alone. There have been times when I felt I was staring into a black hole without help.
Sam's voice stays with me throughout the day, often popping into my head for no particular reason and at no particular time. I am sure that the Hypnotic Tracks downloads have helped turn many lives around. Keep up the good work.