Would we rather be without technology? The overwhelming answer is "no".
Technology is a fantastic tool, but it can also be a very frustrating one. There is always a solution to the problem at hand, it is just a case of finding it before you tear your hair out.
This track will help you master your use of technology. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for helping you cope with the frustrations of the technological world.
Whether we like it or not technology is going to play an ever-increasing role in our lives, and so we need to embrace it, whatever the outrage.
Hypnotherapy is an educational process and there is a considerable amount of information in the Hypnotic Tracks Blog to help you achieve the results you want.
Sam Weller says: "We don't use autoresponders or automated robot replies to enquiries about our tracks, as I believe these are an example of the misuse of technology. I will be on hand to give personal coaching and backup if you need it."
I bought the Anxiety, Exam Nerves and the Relaxation and Confidence tracks before my AS-level exams. I was very anxious about taking my exams and even when I was supposed to be relaxing, I would feel nervous. A few days after listening to each of the tracks, I noticed that I began sleeping again which was really cool because I had been stressed for such a long time and I hadn't had a proper night's sleep in ages.
Gradually, sleepless nights became less frequent, and as time went on I noticed that I was generally less anxious and more relaxed in all kinds of situations.