Fear of flying is one of the most common phobias I cure through hypnosis in my practice.
With years of experience in successfully curing clients of their flying phobias, this self-hypnosis track was developed from the routines that I have used in the past and found to be highly effective. Don't let your fear of flying hold you back or ruin your trip.
After listening to these self-hypnosis routines you will be able to rationalise your fears, book that holiday or business trip and actually look forward to it.
I used to have a real dread of flying. Months before any flight, I would be in a state of anxiety which would get worse as the day of the flight approached. In the past, I visited Sam for relaxation and stress management which worked well so I downloaded the Fear of Flying hypnotherapy download track.
To be honest, I had no real expectation of it working but to my utter amazement, the anxiety stopped, and I am now able to fly without fear. I even enjoy the experience now, thanks to Hypnotic Tracks!