Can anyone remember life before the smartphone?
It seems that everyone, particularly youngsters, are permanently attached to their smartphones, whether it be selfies, texting, or social media. Mobile apps are designed to encourage people to stay engaged, often leading to habitual behaviour, with the benefits of the technology receding with excessive use. People become adept at contact, but they forget how to communicate.
Hypnotherapy is a very effective technique to aid in reducing the anxiety associated with breaking habits, including overusing the mobile phone. This track will help you realign so that your smartphone once again becomes a useful tool.
There is a huge amount of experience on hand, not just through the audio download track, but unique to Hypnotic Tracks, Sam Weller is available to support you with additional coaching if needed.
I am a certified therapeutic hypnotist and I do a lot of work with clients needing relaxation therapy, grief recovery and emotional healing. As a result, I am always researching new and innovative products that will enhance my clients' progress.
I have found the Hypnotic Tracks downloads to be the most effective, efficient and powerful downloads I have ever used. I believe in your method and am looking forward to offering your products on my web site and in my office.