When you have confidence under pressure you believe that you can successfully perform a desired behaviour. Confident sports men and women expect success and their level of self-belief is crucial in determining whether they will succeed. Of course, performance is enhanced by good preparation and planning, but negative thinking and pessimism can severely limit success.
This self-hypnosis track has been designed to give your brain all the signals and messages it needs to perform confidently under pressure. Simply having the will to win is not always enough. You need your unconscious mind to have that unswerving confidence. It is a weapon very few can match.
I bought the Anxiety, Exam Nerves and the Relaxation and Confidence tracks before my AS-level exams. I was very anxious about taking my exams and even when I was supposed to be relaxing, I would feel nervous. A few days after listening to each of the tracks, I noticed that I began sleeping again which was really cool because I had been stressed for such a long time and I hadn't had a proper night's sleep in ages.
Gradually, sleepless nights became less frequent, and as time went on I noticed that I was generally less anxious and more relaxed in all kinds of situations.