Recovery from any sort of medical procedure takes a huge amount of time and patience. Hypnosis can assist you in making a full recovery by positively programming your subconscious mind.
Over 30 years of experience has gone into creating this track, which is reflected in the induction and choice of words for programming. The beauty of hypnotherapy is that all you need do is sit back and listen, and no additional effort is required.
If you are interested in finding out how the tracks were constructed, there is a lot of useful information in the Hypnotic Tracks Blog, along with details about how and why they are superior to any other online hypnotherapy resource.
As with all the tracks from Hypnotic Tracks, we provide free online coaching and backup if required.
I work long hours and often get very tired. I have found the Hypnotic Tracks Relief of Tiredness download and Increased Energy download very beneficial, helping me to recover quicker and have more sustained energy.