How often do you feel tired and lacking in sexual energy? The stresses of modern day life, be they career or personal, can rob you of that precious sexual energy. Just imagine how good it would feel if you had abundant sexual energy on tap and could make love regardless, always feeling the mood just as you did when you were younger.
This track can make that difference and is a powerful tool to help you recharge that precious sexual energy whenever you want to. Sam uses advanced hypnosis techniques to re-programme your subconscious mind so you have the energy and confidence to make love and satisfy your partner whenever you want to.
For years, I had tried various diets and had become fed up because none of them worked. I decided to try hypnotherapy and found the Hypnotic Tracks Weight Loss download.
After listening to it, I found that my relationship to food had changed. I now feel better and, while I eat less, I actually enjoy my meals more.