Telephone communication may be a lifeline into your business. Whilst it is essential to feel relaxed, confident and positive during any telephone call, many of us feel far from happy when we pick up the phone.
This self-hypnosis track has been specially designed to help you feel relaxed when you are on the phone. You will have the telephone skills to feel physically and mentally alert, naturally assertive, positive and friendly even when dealing with the most awkward customers.
I recently bought the Hypnotic Tracks Sexual Confidence and Animal Magnetism downloads and as a result, I am definitely beginning to feel more confident. Listening to the downloads has started to encourage me to make stronger eye contact with people I find attractive which is something I'm not used to doing!
I feel a lot more ease with myself. I've even noticed a little more swagger in my step, and feel like the effects are starting to be noticed even after a week's worth of listening. So, thank you for this marked improvement.